Sunday, March 18, 2012

Grace CG Outing-Hiking

Date: 17 March 2012 - Saturday
Destination: Penang Youth Park
Participants: James (CGL), Emily (Assist. CGL), Damian, Clifford, Jason, Darren, Geraldine plus me....
Time: 7.30am ++

This was the FIRST CG outing for my 'new' CG. For the past 3 years, im in Patience CG. We had a light breakfast before departing to the Youth Park.

We took a group picture before our hiking session.
There are 2 routes that you can choose; easy or challenging route. Before the halfway reaching the level '3', we hiked together as in a group. The guys decided to try the challenging route so we split and met at the level '3' rest stop.
The guys then continued their hiking to level 5 and decided to follow another route on the way down. They reached the botanical garden without noticing we-girls are waiting for them.
After the hike, we plan to go to Little Cottage for lunch. Too bad L' Cottage was fully booked, so we went to Kapitan in Gurney Plaza. The food was so-so for me. At least can fill up my empty stomach.

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