Sunday, June 29, 2008

2nd Day Of Orientation Week~~

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I woke up at 6.30am (afraid im late for orientation). Then, we're asked to gather in front of the Lembaran cafe before heading to DU for formal registration as a USM KKJ student at 8am. At DU, we're asked to hand in our cert for checking and confirmation,got  USM KKJ Session 08/09 Handbook, photography session for our matrix card, got appointment for body check up and got uni souvenir.The session ends at 1pm and we went for lunch.

The USM KKJ Session 08/09 Handbook
At 2.30pm, we've a meeting session with PPMS(Pemimpin pelajar Mingu Suaikenal) until 4.30pm. Then, we rushed back our hostel to changed ourselves to sports wear.At 5.30pm, we have a campus walk until 6.45pm.We were brought to walk around the uni's sports complex.
At night, we are attending another talk till 11pm something.

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