cause she said i am too free and if i didnt make the jelly, nobody will care bout it..
seems like the jelly so kesian till nobody wanna bother bout it...
i pun pergi buat itu agar agar lo...
if not, the jelly juz wait till its life span end then wait to be thrown into the rubbish...
as the government said...
we must LOVE the nature...
cannot waste anything....
so, throw the food into the stomach is much more BRILLIANT way than the rubbish bin rite...
so, 2 july....
i finally overcome my LAZI-NESS and make the agar agar...
okay okay.....
i know my blog is more to a COOKING/ FOOD BLOG already..
i know the process is like a piece of cake for everyone...
but i wanna show my lousy cooking skill mar...
ere are the steps of making the EASIEST jelly (recomended for LAZY ppl only...)
1. prepare ingredients and cooking ultensil
------->the jelly powder i used-KONNYAKU jelly. I like this powder as it's so EASY to make...
-------> u need a toilet bowl...err...sounds YERRRR...owhkay.....u need a cooking periuk kera...err...
-------> your sweat of reading this...
-------> the cute cute molder(izit called molder??? i think is acuan kot...)
2. okay...ere comes the serious part..hmmp...first, pour in a certain amount of water into the periuk
3. then open the small box and u'll get 2 gifts..the mixture of the jelly powder+sugar on the left and the what what acid (i 4gt the name dy) on the right...
4. Pour in the bigger packet first when the water is boiled..
5. then the S size when the powder saturated in the water...
6. Put any fruits or u can put the canned fruits (actually wanna put the canned peach but i canop find any in my house). i know the colour looks like nobody-want-to-eat but COLOURING IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH okay......so, i put in a bag of green tea (sorry lar...my favourite)...
7. So, This is my product...the natural jelly and the green tea jelly...
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