Saturday, August 07, 2010

Melilea Greenfield Organic 16oz

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This is the organic drink that im currently consume which my bro in law and sis bought for me =)The front view...side view...nutritional facts... no fat~~ hehe...ingredients n specifications...mostly contains cap.... look after open the cap~~1 spoon given inside...suit for my tupperware bottle cause the spoon is long enough. this is how i make the drink.... fill the bottle half full. then i get 1 scoop of it then pour into the bottle slowly. Dont throw all of it at once as it will stick together once it enters the water. Stir it the drink it.

Frankly, i dont like this drink as it tastes YUCK~~~~ It smells NICE but the taste is a totally NO NO for me. But still, i can gulp it all. You can mis it wif any yummy drink. Have a try on this drink ya. It's quite costly but worth it. Enjoy ya~~~

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