2nd day..
itz midnight now. Just came back from the lembaran cafe and took my late cold shower (i miss hot water bath). Was helping others to do some preparation for the exhibition booth tomorrow. Get to meet lotsa CF friends as well and impromptu CF Committee Meeting. Lolz... Had a committee dinner (we didnt plan for this too) at the Selamat Pagi Bak Kut Teh. HahaZ.... Surprisingly, James drove his car to campus!!! Gosh.... My CG is blessed with so many cars. Terence, James, Ivy, Stephen, Wei Way, Thomas, Yi Wern, Ernest...Wow...Should i started to count how many CG members do not have a car?? oops... Attended lab briefing and owh yeahhhhh..... One of my favorite lecturer conducted this briefing. He told lotsa lame jokes bout lab safety... hahaZ.... Thiis sem gonna busy dating wif the lab reports again~~~~ and the problem is: itz all regarding to the microstructure of a material and you know i dun LURVE it =( Oh well, time for me to struggle with it.
Oh ya, CF Welcoming Night on next Wed!! Woot...thanks for Dean and Ernest for doing this =)
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