Town Steamboat Restaurant, Penang
yesterday my CG went to penang. we started our journey at 3pm and reached pragin mall around 4 sth. we walked around the mall for about 1 hour plus before heading for our main purpose going to penang-which is steamboat. yippee. i ate till very full that night. had my spendid hours on FOOD-which i get to eat ice cream too and i totally forgot bout my face pimple. wow. my 1st steamboat in 2009 and 2 more ahead. haha..oh ya..aaron and chloe(our ex CGL) did join us that nite. we celebrate her birthday too ^.^ ere are PICTURES!!
town steamboat restaurant~~, keng swee n james~~
seniors LOVE to talk whereas we juniors LOVE to eat...oops...
yeah~~my ice cream~~
terrence with his ice cream~~
christopher's honeydew ice cream..same colour with his shirt..Lolz...
1 thoughts :
wei!! y din ask me go along 2 eat de? tat s y u gt pimples la...
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